Monday, September 15, 2008

For better or worse

It was over fifty-four years ago that I stood at a marriage altar with the girl of my dreams and heard her pledge her love to me. She emphasized her commitment with such phrases as “in sickness and in health” and “for better or worse.”

Now, fifty-four years and twenty-five days later, both of those phrases of commitment have been put to the test. She has passed every test like an Olympic gold medalist.

There were times that she stayed by my side as we swam through the murky waters of financial needs in our struggle to rear a family of five children. During those same years, there were many hours of dealing with other hardships and sicknesses.

Possibly the greatest test of her commitment and faithfulness came as we heard the top physician of the Oklahoma center for the Muscular Dystrophy Association confirm what my neurologist had suspected -- ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) – better known as Lou Gehrig's Disease.

Through it all, Margaret – who committed herself to be faithful “for better or worse,” and “in sickness and in health” – has done just that.

It is any wonder that over the years I have come to think of her as “BESTWYF?”

If you ever see a lady driving a car with an Oklahoma license plate reading BESTWYF – that’s my wife.

Believe me, she has earned the name.


Unknown said...

Margaret, is an exemplary role model for many! What a sparkle she has in her eyes when she talks about her Charles! God was so good to be the author of marriage. What greater gift other than salvation and eternal life can we receive other than a loving spouse!

Unknown said...

Dear Mr. Hodge, I got an email somehow that led me to your blog. I am a Christian,my husband and I were saved in March of 1978 in Memphis at Bellevue Baptist church under the preaching 0f Adrian Rogers. I wanted to tell you how much your blog blessed me and to tell you that I prayed for your healing. Your gift of writing about your faith is a gift from God and a blessing to others. I was in Bible Study fellowship for years here ( catching up after not growing up with the Bible). Reading some of your comments reminded me of one my leader,Jonetta Fargason, told us- when something hard comes into your life say to yourself:" This is from God, FOR me, for His glory and my benefit." ( another take off of Romans 8:28) I love yours:"When you walk with the Lord, any change is in your favor." I hope i will continue to get your blog, and I will pray for you and Margaret. I hope this poem will bless and encourage you both:

He's behind and before me,
I am chosen, you see.
the GOD of all glory has a plan
for me.
His hand is upon all that I do
Leading, holding, loving me through.
Halleleujah!(psalm 139:5-6

He is with me, He is with me!
I dare not doubt or fear.
My ship will reach the other side
With One so true to steer!-Mark 4:35
In HIs Name, Patty May