Saturday, September 27, 2008

Redemptive Intervention in the Face of ALS

In the last posting to my blog, I used the term, “redemptive intervention.” What is redemptive intervention?

To help clarify what I mean by “redemptive intervention,” I appeal to Merriam-Webster. This standard reference work defines “to redeem” (among other things) as meaning:
-to free from what distresses or harms
-to free from captivity by payment of ransom
-to extricate from
-to help overcome something detrimental
-to change for the better

The same authoritative reference work defines “intervention” as meaning:
-to occur
-to come between points of time or events
-to come in or between by way of modification
-to interfere with the outcome or course especially of a condition or process
-to prevent harm
-to improve

With these authoritative definitions as a frame of reference, I define “redemptive intervention” as meaning that God gets involved in a human life situation so as to restore wholeness, freedom, or whatever is needed to return the person and his/her circumstance to a more desirable, normal, or idyllic situation.

Biblically, redemptive intervention is what God does when Romans 8:28 comes true in your life. It is God becoming an active participant, bringing you and/or your life situation into conformity with his will. It can be because of, or in spite of the situation. Either way, it is God protecting you from harm as he restores and blesses your life with his favor.

Here are some examples.
When God led the Israelites out of Egypt’s oppression and into the land of promise.
It occurred when Joseph was released from prison and promoted to become prime minister in Egypt.
When Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac on an altar, it was God’s redemptive intervention that provided a sacrificial ram in a thicket.
Redemptive intervention occurred when Jesus came into our world and did for us what we could not do for ourselves.

In your and my life situations, God’s redemptive intervention is seen when we experience what is needed to alter, modify, or correct a life situation.

Life seems to present many situations in which we need the redemptive presence of God. It may be due to disobedience or having accidentally strayed from God’s leading or directive. Redemptive intervention is often needed when outside forces bring harmful and destructive circumstances into our pathway.

Any situation when you impulsively cry out, “Oh God,” is a setting for redemptive intervention.

The good news is that God has put Himself on record that when we need redemptive intervention, all we have to do is ask. One such promise is “Call unto me and I will answer thee and show you my salvation” (Ps 91:16, NIV). Salvation shown in the face of difficulties and dangers is redemptive intervention.

The redemptive intervention that I need is to be set free from ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), or Lou Gehrig’s disease.

When you read this – whoever you are – please set yourself in agreement with me – and God’s word – that “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer” (Matt 21:22, NIV). Please join me in this prayer: “Father, in Jesus name and on the basis of your word, I agree with Charles Hodge that he is being set free from Lou Gehrig’s disease and that his body is being restored to health and wholeness.”


gommy said...

I put myself, as always, in agreement with you as you are standing on the promises of God, that you are set free from every influence of ALS upon your life.
You are set free to continue the tasks that the Lord, has assigned for you to accomplish for the building of his kingdom on earth.
With all my love,

mms said...

Last night I was reading Romans 5, and this part stood out to me: "And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."
These are the things I keep in mind when I consider 'all things working together for good'. It is reasonable to consider that His 'good' may not be the same as what we might be looking for as 'good'. It is hard to see the good being worked out in us in times of suffering - but I still believe it is there. That is part of the hope.

Unknown said...

I, too am in total agreement with your prayer! You are an inspiration to me as you meet yet another struggle with dignity, grace, and even humor. Webster defines encourage this way: "to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope; to spur on". I am encouraged in your musings influenced by a lifetime of faithfulness to God and His Word. Thank you for sharing your life with us. Tim Peterson